A reintroduction to JavaScript
Modern JS: ES2015+
Managing asynchronicity
Object oriented
Functional programming
It can be useful
"str".charAt(1) === "str"[1] === "t" "a".concat("b") === "a" + "b" === "ab" "str".startsWith("s") === true "str".endsWith("r") === true "str".includes("st") === true "toto".indexOf("t") === 0 "toto".lastIndexOf("t") === 2 "str".search(/t/) === 1 "str1".match(/r(\d)/) => ["r1", "1"] "Hi Bob".replace(/Hi (\w+)/, "Hello $1") => "Hello Bob" "string".slice(0,3) === "str" "1,2,3".split(",") => ["1","2","3"] "STR".toLowerCase() === "str" "str".toUpperCase() === "STR" " str ".trim() == "str"
[1,2].concat([3,4], 5, 6) // [1,2,3,4,5,6] [1,2,3].fill(4) // [4,4,4] [1,2,3].includes(2) // true [1,2,3].indexOf(2) // 1 [1,2,3].join("-") // "1-2-3" [1,2,3,4].slice(1,3) // [2,3] [1,2,3,4].every((value, index, arr) => n > 2) // false [1,2,3,4].some((value, index, arr) => n > 2) // true [1,2,3,4].find((value, index, arr) => n > 2) // 3 [1,2,3,4].findIndex((value, index, arr) => n > 2) // 2 [1,2,3,4].filter((value, index, arr) => n > 2) // [3,4] [1,2,3,4].forEach((value, index, arr) => { ... }) [1,2,3,4].map((val, index, arr) => val * 2) // [2,4,6,8] [1,2,3,4].reduce((accu, n) => accu + n, "test") // "test1234" [1,2,3,4].reduceRight((accu, n) => accu + n, "test") // "test4321" // /!\ Mutative methods, original array is modified! let arr = [3,2,1] arr.push(4,5) // returns new array.length (5), a = [3,2,1,4,5] arr.pop() // returns last item (5), a = [3,2,1,4] arr.unshift(6,5) // returns new array.length (6) ; a = [6,5,3,2,1,4] arr.shift() // returns first item (6) ; a = [5,3,2,1,4] arr.splice(1,2,7,8) // at index 1, remove 2 items, insert (7,8) ; [5,7,8,1,4] arr.sort((a,b) => a-b) // [1,4,5,7,8] arr.reverse() // [8,7,5,4,1]
let map = new Map([ ['key1', 'val1'], ['key2', 'val2'] ]) let key = {}, value = {} // any type map.set(key, value) map.get(key) === value map.has(key) === true map.delete(key); map.size === 2 let keys = [] let values = [] let fusionMap = new Map([...map1, ...map2]) for(let [key, val] of map){ } map.forEach((val, key, map) => { })
let mySet = new Set([ 1,2,3,4 ]) ▸ Set(4) {1, 2, 3, 4} mySet.add("any type") map.has(3) === true map.delete(3); map.size === 4; map.clear(); // remove all for(let item of mySet){ } mySet.forEach(item => { }) let items = [...mySet];
Who manages JavaScript? How is the language evolving?
ECMAScript, TC39 and JavaScript versions
TC39 is considering proposals for ECMAScript developments. Each proposal goes through 5 stages:
TC39 proposals and meetings are public:
A long delay between initial draft and release implies many browser-specific implementations.
TC39 has decided to move to an annual release schedule from ES6, renamed ES2015
Since 2015, a new version of the ECMAScript specification is released every year: ES2016, ES2017...
As a result of the new annual rhythm:
an excellent, comprehensive and consistent support across all modern browsers
So-called "evergreen" browsers
Exercises 1 to 6
Slides and exercises available on Github:
Do the exercises from your browser at this address:
Fork to create your personal version of the working repo. You can publish it on your personal Github account if you have one.
For each exercise, correct the source to validate the associated test
JavaScript defines 7 data types:
(new in ES6)object
The typeof operator returns the type of an object:
typeof true === "boolean"
typeof 12 === "number"
but be careful of these exceptions:
typeof null === "object" // bug in the 1st version of ES
typeof function(){} === "function"
null represents the intentional absence of value and often comes from an assignment by the developer
Functions, arrays and other data structures are all of type object.
Unlike primitives, objects:
"test" === "test"
▸ true
{ item: "test" } === { item: "test" }
▸ false
"item" in { item: "test" }
▸ true
Symbol.iterator in [1,2,3]
▸ true
let obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }
"a" in obj
▸ true
for(let key in obj) console.log(key, obj[key])
▸ a 1
▸ b 2
▸ ["a", "b"]
▸ [1, 2]
▸ [ ["a", 1], ["b", 2] ]
let obj = { key: "value" }
obj.a = 1;
obj["b"] = 2;
Object.assign(obj, { c: 3, d: 4}, {d: 5});
▸ {key: "value", a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 5}
Object.fromEntries([ ['a', 1], ['b', 2]]);
▸ {a: 1, b: 2}
Each property contains in addition to its value, a list of intrinsic parameters called descriptors:
A default assignment is enumerable, modifiable and configurable, without specific accessors or mutators.
Object.defineProperty() allows you to assign a property by specifying its descriptors
const obj = {}
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'a', {
value: 1,
enumerable: true,
writable: false
Object.defineProperties(obj, {
b: { enumerable: true, value: 2 },
c: { get: function(){ return 3 } },
▸ {a: 1, b: 2}
Literal declaration for get / set descriptors:
const user = { name: "Smith", first: "John", get fullName(){ return this.first + " " + }, set fullName(value){ this.first = value.split(" ")[0]; = value.split(" ")[1]; } }
Scope = perimeter from which variables can be accessed.
At the highest level, we are in the global scope, accessible everywhere.
Accessible from global scope (1) : foo
Accessible from function foo scope (2) : foo, a, b, bar
Accessible from function bar scope (3) : foo, a, b, bar, c
In addition to function scopes, some instructions create so-called block scopes
These are known as block instructions:
if(){ ... }
for(){ ... }
while(){ ... }
A block scope can also be declared with { ... }
(not to be confused with a literal object declaration)
, which is much more intuitiveScope | Re-assignable | |
var | function | yes |
let | block | yes |
const | block | no |
Scope of a function = local scope + parent scope = local variables + non-local variables
A function using non-local variables (defined in a parent scope) creates what is called a closure. A closure must remember its parent scope in order to execute correctly.
add5 retains its parent scope with x=5
This link prevents the garbage collector from dereferencing the local variable x at the end of the add execution
add5 creates a closure
function add(x) {
return function(y) {
return x + y;
const add5 = add(5);
▸ 13
function getCounter() {
let value = 0;
return {
getValue(){ return value },
increment() { value += 1 }
Outside the scope of the getCounter function, the value variable will never be accessible.
Only the getValue and increment closures allow access
for (var i = 1; i<=3; i++) {
setTimeout( function timer(){
console.log( i );
}, i*1000 );
▸ 4
▸ 4
▸ 4
Functions have some kind of hidden argument called context and assigned to the keyword this inside the function body.
When a function is called as a property of an object, we call it a method and that parent object is assigned as execution context of the method:
const obj = {
whoisthis(){ return this }
obj.whoisthis() === obj
▸ true
When a function is called by direct reference, it has no context, which means the this
variable will be looked up in parent scope.
At the root scope, the context is defined as the global context (Window
on browser)
The execution context can be changed with the methods call, apply and bind
function calculateScore(score1, score2) {
return + " score is " + (score1 + score2)
let alice = { name: "Alice" },
bob = { name: "Bob" };, 7, 5)
▸ "Alice score is 12"
calculateScore.apply(bob, [4, 6])
▸ "Bob score is 10"
let getBobScore = calculateScore.bind(bob, 3, 5)
▸ "Bob score is 8"
These methods are available on all functions.
String(), Number(), Boolean() are the object equivalent constructors of the corresponding primitives, also called primitive wrappers
The switch between object and primitive is automatic:
Primitive → Object
let str = "abc";
str.length; // 3
str.toUpperCase(); // "ABC"
Object → Primitive
let Str = new String( "abc" ),
str = Str.valueOf() // ou "" + Str
let N = new Number( 42 ),
n = N.valueOf() // +N
console.log(Str, typeof Str) // "abc", "object"
console.log(str, typeof str) // "abc", "string"
console.log(N, typeof N) // 42, "object"
console.log(n, typeof n) // 42, "number"
There are 3 types of automatic type conversions in JS:
Explicit cast | Implicit cast | Cast operators | |
ToString |
ToNumber |
ToBoolean |
== weak equality (with conversion)
=== strict equality (without conversion)
▸ 0
▸ "00"
▸ 3
▸ "12"
▸ false
▸ true
▸ 0
▸ NaN
▸ 1
▸ NaN
▸ false
▸ true
Operands are casted to booleans to evaluate the operator,
but it is the original values that are returned.
let a = 42,
b = "abc",
c = null;
a || b; // 42
a && b; // "abc"
c || b; // "abc"
c && b; // null
If a value is implicitely casted as Boolean as true
it is said to be truthy, otherwise falsey
The operators || and &&,
the ternary conditions ?: and
if else statements execute only one operand here:
if(0) log('A'); else log('B');
undefined ? log('C') : log('D');
true && log('E'); false && log('F');
true || log('G'); false || log('H');
The && operator has priority over || which has priority over ?:
Exercises 7 to 11
let foo = "foo", bar = "bar"
const obj = { foo, bar } // equivalent to { foo: foo, bar: bar }
▸ {foo: "foo", bar: "bar"}
let foo = "foo", bar = "bar"
const obj = {
[foo]: [bar],
[foo+bar]: foo+bar
/* equivalent to
obj[foo] = [bar]
obj[foo+bar] = foo + bar
▾ {foo: Array(1), foobar: "foobar"}
▸ foo: ["bar"]
foobar: "foobar"
const f1 = () => {},
f2 = x => x*2,
f3 = (a,b,c) => { return a+b+c }
Functions declared with this shortened syntax have specific features:
)Short and effective, they encourage a functional, no-frills style (no closure).
Assigns a default value if argument is undefined
function f(a, b=1, c=2) { return a + b + c }
f(1, 2, 3)
▸ 6
▸ 4
f(1, undefined, undefined)
▸ 4
f(1, null, null)
▸ 1
Also works with the arrow functions:
const doSomething = (params = {}) => {}
function doSomething(data, config = retrieveDefaultConfig(data)) {
// retrieveDefaultConfig will be called only if config is undefined
const required = name => throw new Error("Missing required parameter: "+ name)
const findUsersByRole = (role = required('role')) => { }
Spread: converts an iterable object into an argument list
const sum = (a,b,c) => a+b+c;
▸ 6
sum(1, ...[2,3])
▸ 6
[1, ...[2,3], 4]
▸ [1,2,3,4]
const cloneArray = arr => [...arr]
Rest : converts a list of arguments into an Array
const sum = (...args) => args.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0);
▸ 10
function addToList(list, ...args) { // rest
list.push(...args) // spread
Object properties (ES2018)
Only works with enumerable properties
let { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 };
x; // 1
y; // 2
z; // { a: 3, b: 4 }
let n = { x, y, ...z };
n; // { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4}
Assigns variables according to an object / Array structure
const userData = { first: "Joe", name: "Dalton", age: 27 };
const { first, age, name: userName } = userData;
// first = "Joe", age = 27, userName = "Dalton"
const myObject = {
foo: {
bar: 42
const { foo: { bar: magicNumber } } = myObject
// magicNumber = 42
const [first, second, , fourth] = [1,2,3,4];
// first = 1, second = 2, fourth = 4
Also works with function parameters:
function doSomething({ config, options: { verbose } }){
if(verbose) console.log("blabla");
config: { param: "something" },
options: { verbose: true }
Instead of passing several arguments to functions, a popular pattern is to pass an object as single argument with the different parameters as properties:
const searchProducts = ({
minPrice = 0,
maxPrice = 1000,
inStock = true
}) => {
// do some complex search here
return { results, size, lowestPrice }
const { results, size } = searchProducts({ maxPrice: 500 });
Receiving and returning a single object is very useful:
Template Strings are a new literal String declaration introduced in ES2015.
It uses the backtick ` `
This new literal declaration allows:
If a function reference precedes a template string literal, that function is invoked with the static and dynamic parts of the following string:
function insertInUpperCase(strings, ...vars) {
console.log({ strings, vars });
return strings.reduce(
(out, str, i) => `${out}${str}${(vars[i] || "").toUpperCase()}`,
: collection of keys/values like objects, but the keys can be of any typeSet
: collection of values without keys, not ordered but with guarantee of uniquenesss = new Set([1,2,3,2,4])
▸ Set(4) {1,2,3,4}
▸ Set(4) {1,2,4,5}
▸ true
m = new Map([
["key", "value"], [ 1, 2 ]
▸ Map(2) { "key" => "value", 1 => 2 }
▸ 2
m.set([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
▸ Map(2) {1 => 2, Array(3) => Array(3)}
The long awaited standard solution for managing modular JS codebases
ESM replaces and superseeds all these old solutions:
const $ = require('jquery')
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function($,_){
tagsTwo keywords: import
and export
You can have named exports and default exports
// default import
import MyModule from './my-module.js'
// named imports
import { a, b as moduleB } from 'module'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
/* in my-module.js */
export const a = "something"
export function b(){ ... }
export default const MyModule = { a, b }
When import
is called as a function, the module is imported asynchronously.
This is very useful for downloading code on demand (lazy-loading) and optimizing the loading time of your applications.
function loadMyModule(){
import('./myModule.mjs').then(module => {
const defaultExport = module.default
const { myNamedExport, myOtherExport } = module;
Modules have a different execution context to traditional scripts:
("use strict";)
this === undefined
in the global scope)The code must therefore be parsed differently if it is a module:
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
extension instead of .js
or have { type: "module" }
in package.json
Good support (~95%) in 2022: Chrome 61+, Edge 16+, Firefox 60+
But developers use ESM widely in their codebases that are transformed into bundles by bundlers like Webpack, Parcel, Rollup, esbuild...
Bundlers are tools that precompile your code and reduce the browser's work by producing optimized JS bundles from a set of modules during a build step.
Popular bundlers:
Exercises 12 to 14
JavaScript is executed in an mono-thread environment (the engine only runs one instruction at a time).
Some instructions may take some time (I/O, network requests…) and must not block the execution of the rest of the program.
So we make them asynchronous: they declare a function call to be carried out later, after a defined or undefined period.
These future function calls are stored in stacks, and the engine decides when to pop the calls.
setTimeout(function calledAfter5Seconds(){
console.log("bye !")
}, 5 * 1000)
console.log("hello !")
The most common interface for asynchronous instructions is the callback function.
It consists of passing as parameter of an asynchronous function another function (the callback) which will be called later.
let callback = function(result){ console.log(result) }
setTimeout(callback, 1000);
element.addEventListener('click', callback);
This asynchronous communication pattern is based on a principle of subscription to a flow of events.
is an example of pub/sub.
A pub/sub keeps in memory a list of callbacks (the subscribers).
It is composed of at least two functions: subscription and emission
Example of a pub/sub API:
const publisher = createPubSub();
publisher.on("alert", function onAlert(eventData){
publisher.emit("alert", "something happened")
Callbacks show their limits when a series of asynchronous operations must be chained (executed one after the other).
An exception raised by a callback cannot be catched directly from the parent scope, which is why error handling is often handled with a second argument of the callback function or a second callback function dedicated to error handling.
doAnotherThing(result, function(newResult){
doFinalThing(newResult, function(finalResult){
}, failureCallback)
}, failureCallback)
}, failureCallback)
return doAnotherThing(result)
return doFinalThing(newResult)
// creating a promise from a callback-based API
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (err, result) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(result)
promise.then(result => {
console.log(`Promise resolved with ${result}`)
promise.catch(error => {
console.log(`Promise rejected with ${error}`)
promise.finally(() => { // ES2018
console.log(`Called after either resolve or reject of the promise`)
create a promise immediately resolved/rejected with some value
Promise.all([ promise1, promise2, promise3 ])
create a promise resolved when all the promises passed as arguments are resolved
Promise.race([ promise1, promise2, promise3 ])
create a promise resolved when one of the promises passed as arguments is resolved
const wait = promisify(setTimeout)
fetch('/api/products').then(res => res.json()),
]).then((results) => {
if(results){ /* do something */ }
]) // how long before this promise is resolved ?
cache ? Promise.resolve(cache) : Promise.race([]),
fetch('/api/products').then(res => res.json())
.catch(error => {
// handle the exceptions from f1 or f2
.catch(error => {
// handle the exceptions coming exclusively from f3
and catch()
can be chained in any order.
It allows intermediate error handling in a promise chain.
Functions prefixed with the async
operator can contain instructions prefixed with await
pauses the function execution waiting for the following promise to be resolved.
async function myFunction() {
try {
const result = await myPromise;
// my Promise is resolved and the the resolved value is assigned to result
} catch(err) {
// myPromise is rejected with error "err"
// this line is reached only after resolve/reject of myPromise
return result
Combines the advantage of asynchronism with the convenience of writing and reading synchronous code
Allows to unify the management of synchronous errors (exceptions) with the cases of rejection of promises
Does not encourage the developer to parallelize asynchronous operations, which can slow down the application
A pattern halfway between Promise and Pub/Sub:
A proposal exist to standardize Observables, currently in Stage 1 (Draft). However, it's easily implementable by yourself like Pub/Sub.
This is one of the foundations of ReactiveX and reactive programming.
const keyboardObservable = new Observable( subscriber => {
const onKey = event => {
if(event.key === "Enter") {
document.removeEventListener("keyup", onKey)
document.addEventListener("keyup", onKey)
const keys = [];
const keyboardSubscription = keyboardObservable.subscribe({
if (key === "Escape") keyboardSubscription.unsubscribe();
else keys.push(key)
complete(){ alert(keys.join("")) }
The event loop is the mechanism that periodically pops the asynchronous calls.
Between each iteration of the loop, the browser re-renders the page and processes user events (click, scroll, etc.)
At the end of each loop, it triggers the asynchronous calls that have been stacked: event listeners, timeouts, resolved promises...
Modern JS engines store asynchronous calls in two stacks:
, setInterval
, fetch
, process.nextTick
)Sometimes, the developer wants to deliberately wait for the next event loop:
You can use these methods to create new macrotasks run at the next event loops:
setTimeout(callback, 0)
with delay set to zero to minimize waiting time
let the browser optimize when a callback is called to get a fluid animation (~ 60 frames per second)
let the browser optimize when to call the callback when the CPU is not heavily loaded (non standard)
setTimeout(() => console.log(1), 0)
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(2))
requestAnimationFrame(() => console.log(3))
requestIdleCallback(() => console.log(4))
In what order are the logs displayed ?
5 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 3 variable depending on the CPU activity, but it's the most likely order
Exercises 15 to 19
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, newProto)
The choice of this term serves to illustrate these differences.
If for object.prop
, the property prop is not found in object, then it
is searched for in the prototype of object, then in the prototype of the prototype of object, and so on...
This is called prototype delegation, and objects have a prototype chain.
The "root" prototype is Object.prototype
. Its own prototype is null
Object.getPrototypeOf([1,2,3]) === Array.prototype
▸ true
Object.getPrototypeOf(Array.prototype) === Object.prototype
▸ true
▸ null
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, newProto)
let obj = Object.create(proto)
There are no classes in JavaScript, but the word is often misused to refer to a prototype and its associated constructor.
Unlike classes, there is no difference in nature between a prototype and an object. A prototype can therefore be manipulated like any other object: assigned by reference, passed as a parameter, exported as a module...
An object does not inherit the properties of its prototype, but it delegates them to it: these are not its own properties
const bob = Object.create({ name: "Anonymous" }) = "Bob";
▸ "Bob"
delete; // remove the own property
console.log( // we go back to the delegated property value
▸ "Anonymous"
In the context of OOP with prototypes, delegating can mean:
Most of the class-based OOP vocabulary needs to be avoided:
Despite these differences in definition, this vocabulary is often used by JavaScript developers, and sometimes even within the language itself.
This is due to choices in the past to design the language so that it remains familiar to Java developers. It is the same kind of story that brought us the name JavaScript.
In JavaScript, a function can be called as a constructor with the operator new
function Constructor(){
// init an object
Constructor() // called as regular function
new Constructor() // called as constructor
When new Constructor()
is invoked, a new object is created with Constructor.prototype
as prototype.
This is equivalent to call Object.create(Constructor.prototype)
The same principle applies on all native constructors in the language:
let today = new Date();
today.getMonth === Date.prototype.getMonth
let obj = {} // or new Object()
obj.toString === Object.prototype.toString
let array = [1,2,3] // or new Array(1,2,3)
array.concat === Array.prototype.concat
The instanceof
operators determines if an object has been created by the following constructor:
x instanceof C ⇔ Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === C.prototype
[] instanceof Array ⇔ Object.getPrototypeOf([]) === Array.prototype
The new
operator changes the way a function is invoked in several ways:
function hello(){
console.log(`this === ${this}`)
let result1 = hello() // this === [object Window]
let result2 = new hello() // this === [object Object]
The created object is used as execution context of the constructor (this
new Constructor(…args), ...args)
This object is also returned by default by the function, when there is no return
typeof result1
▸ "undefined"
typeof result2
▸ "object"
Every constructor function has a prototype
property that is an object with a constructor
property referring to the constructor function.
That's how you can retrieve the constructor from a constructed object.
function Car() { }
▸ { constructor: f }
Car.prototype.constructor === Car
▸ true
In the prototype, we can declare other properties that will be delegated by the objects created with this constructor:
Car.prototype.nbWheels = 4;
const twingo = new Car();
▸ 4
function Car(){} ⇔ const Car = new Function()
Object.getPrototypeOf(Car) === Function.prototype
Constructors are a commonly used pattern in JS, but they have several flaws:
property is assigned to created objects, which can break existing code if you use this property for other effects, for example: car.constructor = "Toyota"
keyword does not work the same depending on whether the function is called with operator new
or notclass
operator (ES2015)Syntaxic sugar for declaring a prototype with a constructor
class Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname) {
this.firstname = firstname
this.lastname = lastname
return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`
class User extends Person {
constructor(firstname, lastname, role){
super(firstname, lastname);
this.role = role;
get isAdmin(){
return this.role === "admin"
const bill = new User("Bill", "Gates", "admin")
propertysuper(...args); // call the prototype constructor
super.method(); // call a method of the prototype
It is usable without the class operator:
const user = {
name: "Anonymous",
getName(){ return }
const joe = {
name: "Joe",
return `joe name: ${} ; user name: ${} : user getName: ${super.getName()}`
Object.setPrototypeOf(joe, user)
▸ joe name: Joe ; user name: Anonymous ; user getName: Joe
Defines a static property: a property of the constructor itself, not the prototype
class C {
method(){ console.log("method") }
static methodStatic(){ console.log("static method") }
(new C()).method() // method in C.prototype
C.methodStatic() // methodStatic in C
This is basically the same thing than directly assigning the property to the constructor, so not the most useful syntaxic sugar, but it was added for its familiarity for Java developers.
C.methodStatic = function(){ ... }
property is assigned to constructed objects, which can break existing code if you use this property for other effects, for example: car.constructor = "Toyota"
keyword does not work the same depending on whether the function is called with operator new
or not
You don't need constructors to make prototype-based OOP. You can rather use:
function createUser({ first, name }){
const user = Object.create(userProto)
user.first = first = name
return user
and Object.assign
const john = Object.assign(Object.create(userProto), {
first: "John",
name: "Smith"
It fixes all the flaws previously stated, and you don't need these anymore:
new, instanceof, class, super, static
class Foo {
constructor(who){ = who
return `I am ${}`
class Bar extends Foo {
return `Hello, ${this.identify()}`
let b1 = new Bar("b1")
let b2 = new Bar("b2")
const Foo = {
init(who){ = who
return this
return `I am ${}`
const Bar = Object.create(Foo)
Bar.speak = function(){
return `Hello, ${this.identify()}`
let b1 = Object.create(Bar).init("b1");
let b2 = Object.create(Bar).init("b2");
and instanceof
operatorsUse Object.create
and class extends
with moderation
Limit the size of your prototype chains as much as possible
Delegation is a powerful and flexible pattern, but other approachs such as object composition are underused.
Another pattern in JavaScript OOP consists of creating objects by composition.
This pattern is super simple because JS objects support dynamic assignation of new properties:
const mixin = { ...objA, ...objB }
// or
const mixin = Object.assign({}, objA, objB)
The composition is ordered, applying arguments from left to right, so that in case of conflicts on one property name, the last one gets priority:
let o = { ...{ x: 1 }, ...{ x: 2 }, ...{ x: 3 } }
▸ { x: 3 }
Favor object composition over class inheritance
(Gang of Four 1995:20)
In reality, there is no pattern always better than another:
they match with different ways of thinking.
The flaws of each pattern became clear when you start to excessively use it anywhere.
Take the time to think about your model, do not code by habit.
Let's practice on a project example: a web components library
Objects identified in the model:
New primitive type since ES2015
Represents a unique reference:
const symbol = Symbol();
const symbolFoo = Symbol('foo');
typeof symbol;
▸ "symbol"
▸ "Symbol(foo)"
symbolFoo === Symbol('foo')
▸ false
Symbols can be used as property keys of an object:
const obj = { [symbolFoo]: "bar" };
▸ [Symbol(foo)]
Some symbols are built-in in ES2015.
They let you redefine some internal behaviors of the language for an object:
const obj = {
[Symbol.toPrimitive](){ return 42 }
▸ 42
: used when iterating (for loops, spread operator...)Symbol.hasInstance
: used by instanceof
: used to cast in primitiveSymbol.toStringTag
: used by toString
, Set
and Map
are built-in iterable structures that do the job most of the cases.
But you can also create your own iterable objects for specific needs:
binary trees, linked lists, graphs...
An object is said iterable when its Symbol.iterator
method returns an iterator.
An iterator is an object with a method next()
that returns an object with 2 properties:
: boolean, true if the iteration is finishedvalue
: current value of iteration, undefined if done
is trueconst counter123 = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function(){
let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
return {
return {
done: numbers.length === 0,
value: numbers.shift()
for(let n of counter123) console.log(n);
▸ 1
▸ 2
▸ 3
▸ [1, 2, 3]
A generator is a special type of function used to simplify the creation of iterators. A generator is declared with operator function*, which allow the use of the yield
operator inside.
const counter123 = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function*(){
let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
while(numbers.length) yield numbers.shift();
▸ [1, 2, 3]
let you pause the execution of the generator function and returns an intermediate result. The execution will resume on next()
Iteration is finished at the end of function instructions, or when meeting a return
Proxies, introduced in ES2015, let you intercept and customize any operations made on an object:
A Proxy
does not change the original object: it returns a new object, the proxy.
By default, no operation is intercepted so the proxy is indistinguishable from the original object.
const obj = { foo: "bar" }
const proxy = new Proxy(obj, {
get(obj, prop){
return `${prop} intercepted!`
▸ foo intercepted!;
▸ bar
new Proxy(object, {
get(o, key){}, // read property value
set(o, key, val){}, // write a new value for property
deleteProperty(o, key){},
apply(o, context, args){}, // invoke as function
construct(o, args){}, // invoke as constructor
ownKeys(o){}, // enumerate own properties
has(o, key){}, // query if property exists
defineProperty(o, key, desc){},
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, key){},
setPrototypeOf(o, proto){}
Reflect represents the capacity for reflection acquired by JS with the introduction of proxies.
The Reflect
object contains a set of methods that reproduce the default behavior of the language for all the Proxy traps. You can see it as the default value of every Proxy
Reflect.get(o, key) ⇔ o[key]
Reflect.set(o, key, val) ⇔ o[key] = val
Reflect.has(o, key) ⇔ key in o
Reflect.apply(o, context, args) ⇔ o.apply(context, args)
You can easily break existing behaviors you didn't even know existed when playing with proxies. A good practice and safety measure is to always call the Reflect API when adding a proxy trap.
new Proxy(obj, {
set(o, key, value){
if(typeof value !== "string"){
throw "Only strings are accepted as values for this object"
return Reflect.set(o, key, value) // back to the default behavior
Exercices 20 to 22
A recursive function invokes itself with other arguments until reaching a stop condition.
const factorial = n => n < 2 ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1)
const flatten = ([x, ...xs]) => x === undefined
? []
: [ ...(Array.isArray(x) ? flatten(x) : [x]), ...flatten(xs) ]
A chainable method returns its own execution context (return this
) or an object of the same type/prototype in order to be able to chain the calls to this method.
Example: Array.prototype
chainable methods
[1, 2, 3, 4]
.concat(5, 6, 7, 8)
.map(n => n**2 + 1)
.slice(0, 5)
.join(", ") + " are prime numbers"
▸ "2, 5, 17, 37 are prime numbers"
Chainable API are convenient to use because they reduce sequences of instructions to a single expression. They made the success of famous JS libraries like jQuery or lodash.
Function composition consists of creating a composed function that sequentially calls several other functions, each with the return value of the previous one:
compose(f,g,h)(x) ⇔ h(g(f(x)))
Function composition can be a relevant solution when:
Compared to chainable API, function composition favors independent functions over methods, which avoids overloading objects with too many properties.
From Haskell Curry, a mathematician who laid the foundations of functional programming.
Currying means transforming a function that takes N arguments into a function taking the 1st argument only and returning another function taking the 2nd argument only, and so on until having collected the N arguments necessary to compute and return the final result:
f(a,b,c) ⇔ curry(f)(a)(b)(c)
Arrow functions make it easy to transform functions into curried ones:
const sum = (a,b,c) => a + b + c
const sum = a => b => c => a + b + c // curried version
A more flexible definition allows passing any number of arguments at each step:
curry(f)(a,b)(c) ⇔ curry(f)(a)(b,c) ⇔ curry(f)(a)(b)(c)
Currying is used to apply part of the arguments to decline a generic function into a more specialized version of it: this is called partial application.
const sum = a => b => a + b
const increment = sum(1);
▸ 43
const replace = curry((before, after, str) => str.replace(before, after))
const replaceSpacesBy = replace(/\s/g);
const trim = replaceSpacesBy("")
trim(" Hello ! ")
▸ "Hello!"
How to refactor a code to obtain pure, atomic, generic and composable functions ?
Let's start from this code example:
import data from "users.json"
let results = [];
function printUsersOverAge18(){
data.sort((a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
results = data.filter(user => user.age >= 18).slice(0, 5)
const output = => user.firstName).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
import data from "users.json"
let results = [];
function printUsersOverAge18(){
data.sort((a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
results = data.filter(user => user.age >= 18).slice(0, 5)
const output = => user.firstName).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
import data from "users.json"
function printUsersOverAge18(data){
data.sort((a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
const results = data.filter(user => user.age >= 18).slice(0, 5)
const output = => user.firstName).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
return results
const results = printUsersOverAge18(data)
import data from "users.json"
function getUsersOverAge18(data){
const sortedData = [].sort((a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
const results = sortedData.filter(user => user.age >= 18).slice(0, 5)
const output = => user.firstName).join("\n")
return { results, output }
const { results, output } = getUsersOverAge18(data)
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
import data from "users.json"
import { compose } from "utils/functions.js";
const sortByLastName = data => [].sort(
(a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
const filterAgeOver18 = data => data.filter(user => user.age >= 18)
const takeFive = data => data.slice(0, 5)
const getFirstNames = users => => user.firstName)
const getUsersOverAge18 = compose(sortByLastName, filterAgeOver18, takeFive)
const results = getUsersOverAge18(data)
const output = getFirstNames(results).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
import data from "users.json"
import { compose } from "utils/functions.js";
const sortBy = (key, data) => [].sort((a,b) => a[key]] < b[key] ? -1 : 1)
const filterBy = (key, test, data) => data.filter(({ [key]: val }) => test(val))
const take = (nb, data) => data.slice(0, nb)
const mapToProp = (key, data) =>{ [key]: val }) => val)
const getUsersOverAge18 = compose(
data => sortBy("lastName", data),
data => filterBy("age", n => n >= 18, data),
data => take(5, data)
const results = getUsersOverAge18(data)
const output = mapToProp("firstName", results).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
import data from "users.json"
import { compose } from "utils/functions.js";
const sortBy = key => data => [].sort((a,b) => a[key]] < b[key] ? -1 : 1)
const filterBy = key => test => data => data.filter(({ [key]: val }) => test(val))
const take = nb => data => data.slice(0, nb)
const mapToProp = key => data =>{ [key]: val }) => val)
const getUsersOverAge18 = compose(
filterBy("age", n => n >= 18),
const results = getUsersOverAge18(data)
const output = mapToProp("firstName", results).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
/* BEFORE */
import data from "users.json"
let results = [];
function printUsersOverAge18(){
data.sort((a,b) => a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : 1)
results = data.filter(user => user.age >= 18).slice(0, 5)
const output = => user.firstName).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
/* AFTER */
import data from "users.json"
import { compose } from "utils/functions.js";
import { sortBy, filterBy, take, mapToProp } from "utils/array.js";
const getUsersOverAge18 = compose(
filterBy("age", n => n >= 18),
const results = getUsersOverAge18(data)
const output = mapToProp("firstName", results).join("\n")
document.querySelector("#results").textContent = output
To refactor a code and obtain pure atomic generic and composable functions:
Transpilers and JavaScript supersets
[1, 2, 3].map(n => n ** 2);
var [a,,b] = [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3].map(function(n){
return Math.pow(n, 2)
var _ref = [1, 2, 3],
a = _ref[0],
b = _ref[2]
"browserslist": "> 1%; not dead"
Examples of browserslist queries:
ie 6-8, Firefox >= 30, last 5 Chrome versions
cover 95% in US, cover 99% in my stats
extends browserslist-config-worldline
: 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not deadTranspilation allows the developer to not think about the majority of browser support issues. It is no longer needed to remember which JS feature comes from which version and is supported in which browser.
Transpilation introduces a compilation step, many new dependencies, some risk factors, and a loss of proximity between the code the developer writes and the code that is actually run in production.
Fortunately, most of the frameworks build tooling is preconfigured like that !
files), TypeScript can catch mistakes even without any TS-specific syntax.class
operator in JavaScript.
A reintroduction to JavaScript
Modern JS: ES2015+
Managing asynchronicity
Object oriented
Functional programming
End of training, congratulations !