General rules

Password policy

Back-office user policy:

  • 15 to 100 characters and 4 mandatory criteria: 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 digit, 1 special character.
  • Different from the previous password.

End-users policy:

  • 10 to 100 characters and 3 out 4 criteria: 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 digit, 1 special character.

Phone number management rules

Only one phone number can be active at the same time. When activating a phone number by OTP code, the users and end-users account previously created with the same phone number will be automatically deactivated.


All lists available in the back office are paginated . It is possible to choose the number of items displayed per page.

Available currencies

The default currency for the end-user is defined by the phone number at the registration.

  • Currencies managed by default in the product :
  • Euro : EUR
  • Dollar US : USD Additional currencies can be added according to the specificities of the platform owner.

Multi-tab browser

There is an auto-refresh of the page if there is a user change on another tab of the Internet browser.

Communication language

The communication language for the back-office user is defined by the website language (chosen on the right of the top toolbar).

Blocked coutries

Countries where the use of crypto-currencies is prohibited are blocked for the end-users enrolment. The control is based on the phone number :

  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Syria
  • Myanmar Additional countries can be added according to the specificities of the platform owner.