Mini project

The final chapter of this training will ask you to create a SwiftUI app from scratch.


The app consists of a movie explorer app with the following features:

  • Search for movies by title.
  • View the details of the selected movie.
  • The app requires the user to be logged in.
  • The app allows a new user to register.
  • The movie list screen allows to logout from the app.
  • The app remembers the logged in user after a restart.
  • The app uses this APIopen in new window for the authenticating and searching for movies.
    • The /movies/search endpoint requires to pass the token retrieved from endpoint /user/login or user/register in this header: Authorization: Bearer \(userResponse.token)
  • (Optional) The result of previous queries is locally cached.
  • (Optional) Add movie to local favorites ⭐️
  • (Optional) Animate the transition between the login view and the movie list view (tutorialopen in new window).

A preview of the app can be seen here.


  • There are many techniques to handle the flow from the login view to the movie list view. On of them is to rely on a logged state. The following gives an overview how it looks like.
struct ContentView: View {
    @State var loggedIn: false
    var body: some View {
        if loggedIn {
        } else {
            // The LoginView takes a callback that is called when the login succeeds
            LoginView { newLoggedIn in
                loggedIn = newLoggedIn
  • In the login view, use an enum to track the state of the login operation so that you can disable the login button when a request is running.
enum LoginState {
    case neutral, loading, success, failure
struct LoginView: View {
    @State private var loginState: LoginState = .neutral
    // other code
  • Use a Task object to run async code.
Button("Login") { 
    loginState = .loading
    Task {
        if await login() {

Swift Concurrency crashes on Swift Playground

Do not use the Swift Playground app to run you app as it does not work well with SwiftUI + Swift Concurrency (async, await and Task). Instead, you can create an Xcode project of type Playground to combine the power of Xcode and the simplicity of Playground projects.

  • Use DebouncedOnChangeopen in new window Swift package to optimize search.
  • To generate the initial code for a preview, open a view and then use the Xcode feature Editor -> Create preview
  • The List view requires that you specify an id field List(movies, id: \.title) or that the items conform to Identifiable protocol
  • If you can't add SwiftPM packages from Xcode, add them by editing the package.swift file by hand. Here is an example below.
// swift-tools-version: 5.6

// This file is automatically generated.
// Do not edit it by hand because the contents will be replaced.

import PackageDescription
import AppleProductTypes

let package = Package(
    name: "Moovy",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "Moovy",
            targets: ["AppModule"],
            displayVersion: "1.0",
            bundleVersion: "1",
            appIcon: .placeholder(icon: .sun),
            accentColor: .presetColor(.indigo),
            supportedDeviceFamilies: [
            supportedInterfaceOrientations: [
                .portraitUpsideDown(.when(deviceFamilies: [.pad]))
            capabilities: [
            appCategory: .entertainment
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", "1.0.0"..<"2.0.0"),
        .package(url: "", "4.0.0"..<"5.0.0")
    targets: [
            name: "AppModule",
            dependencies: [
            path: "."