
  • For common code, store your resource files in the resources directory of the commonMain source set.
  • For platform-specific code, store your resource files in the resources directory of the corresponding source set.

Jetbrain release his experimental API painterResource from org.jetbrains.compose.resource package

public fun painterResource(
    res: String
): Painter
  • Return a Painter from the given resource path. Can load either a BitmapPainter for rasterized images (.png, .jpg) or a VectorPainter for XML Vector Drawables (.xml).
  • XML Vector Drawables have the same format as for Android ( except that external references to Android resources are not supported.
  • Note that XML Vector Drawables are not supported for Web target currently.



To make your resources accessible from the resource library, use the following configuration in your build.gradle.kts file:

android {
    // …


The Compose Multiplatform Gradle plugin handles resource deployment. The plugin stores resource files in the compose-resources directory of the resulting application bundle.

val commonMain by getting {
    dependencies {
        // Your dependencies

Nothing to do for desktop App


    null // description

Fonts and String

For more ressource management possibilities for font and String management, you can use a third party lib :

Other ressources

fun App() {
    var text: String? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        text = String(resource("welcome.txt").readBytes())

    text?.let {

✅ If everything is fine, congrats, you've just finish this codelab. You can now experiment your kotlin skills eveywhere !

📖 Further reading

Last Updated:
Contributors: Ibrahim Gharbi