
Along with components and directives, services are one of the main building blocks of an Angular application.

A component's only concern should be displaying data and not managing it. Services are where the Angular team advocates placing the business logic and data management of the application. Having a clear separation between the presentation layer and the other processings of the application increases reusability and modularity.

Creating a service with the CLI is done as follows:

ng generate service services/example

This will create the service and its associated test class in the app/services folder. It is a common practice to place services in a services folder, the CLI will create the folder if it doesn't already exists.

The following content is automatically generated in the example.service.ts file:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'

  providedIn: 'root'
export class ExampleService {


When a component requires a service, the service should be added to its constructor in the following manner:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'
import { ExampleService } from '@services/example.service'

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html'
export class ExampleComponent {

    private exampleService: ExampleService
  ) {}



Always declare a dependency to a service as private. Indeed the template should never directly access a service but always go through a property or a method exposed by the component class.

Dependency Injection

In the previous chapter, we've injected services provided by the @angular/router library in the components needing them. If you are familiar with Spring, you may not have thought much about it as it's one of the framework's mechanisms.

At bootstrap, Angular creates an application-wide injector. If other injectors are needed, Angular will create them along the way. The injector creates dependencies (most often in the form of services), and maintains a container of dependency instances that it reuses if possible. The injector gets the information about how to create or retrieve a dependency from a provider. A service usually acts as its own provider.

You may not have realised, but we have already used providers. In the pipe chapter, to use the UpperCasePipe in the component class instead of in the template, we added it to the providers array of the component.

When Angular discovers that a component depends on a service, it first checks if the injector has any existing instances of that service. If a requested service instance doesn't yet exist, the injector makes one using the registered provider, and adds it to the injector before returning the service to Angular. When all requested services have been resolved and returned, Angular can call the component's constructor with those services as arguments.

Dependencies can be provided at three levels:

  • root level: this is the default behaviour when creating a service with the CLI. That is what providedIn: 'root' means. The same instance of the dependency is injected everywhere it is needed as if it were a singleton.
  • route level: the dependency is added to the providers array of the Route. The route gets its own instance of the dependency
  • component level: the dependency is added to the providers array of the component. Each instance of that component gets its own instance of the dependency.

Practical Work: State management

  1. Generate an AuthenticationService with the CLI in the app/services folder
  2. Move the loggedIn logic from the AppComponent to the service
  3. Inject the service in the LoginFormComponent and use it.
  4. Implement a logout method in the authentication service and add a logout button in the AppComponent that calls it and navigates back to the LoginFormComponent. Here is the html and css:
<button class="logout">Logout</button>
.logout {
  align-self: end;
  1. Conditionally show the Logout button depending on the loggedIn status of the user. Use a getter in the app.component.ts file to pass data from the service to the template (it is good practive to always declare a service as private in the component class).
  2. Use a navigation guard to redirect the user who wants to access the film search page to /login if they are not authenticated (make the CanActivate return true if the route can be accessed else return a UrlTree via the createUrlTree method of the Router service). To future-proof the guard, add a returnUrl as a queryParam to the returned UrlTree so that the LoginFormComponent knows where to navigate back to after authentication and modify the LoginFormComponent accordingly. To generate the navigation guard use the following CLI command:
ng generate guard guards/authentication
# ? Which interfaces would you like to implement? CanActivate
Help for injecting services into the guard function
export const authenticationGuard: CanActivateFn = (route, state) => {
  const authenticationService = inject(AuthenticationService)
  // ...
Help for the UrlTree
inject(Router).createUrlTree(['/login'], { queryParams: { returnUrl: state.url }})
Expected result

Visual result of the services practical work

Visual result of the services practical work

The HttpClient

In a Single Page Application (SPA), communication with the server is done via asynchronous HTTP requests (AJAX) or more specialized protocols such as WebSocket. We will see how to make these network requests from an Angular application.

Angular provides a module, the HttpClientModule, to make HTTP calls. The module provides an injectable service, the HttpClient, to make GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE and PUT requests. To inject the HttpClient in a service, first add the HttpClientModule to the AppModule's imports array.

Here are a few examples:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { User } from '@models/user/user'
import { UserCreation } from '@models/user/user-creation'
import { UserEdition } from '@models/user/user-edition'

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {
  private baseUrl = 'api/backoffice/users'

  constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}

  public create(user: UserCreation): Observable<User> {
    return<User>(this.baseUrl, user)

  public update(ref: string, user: UserEdition): Observable<User> {
    return this.httpClient.put<User>(`${this.baseUrl}/${ref}`, user)

  public getByUserReference(ref: string): Observable<User> {
    return this.httpClient.get<User>(`${this.baseUrl}/${ref}`)
import { Component } from '@angular/core'
import { User } from '@models/user/user'
import { UserService } from '@services/user.service'

  selector: 'app-user',
  templateUrl: './user.component.html'
export class UserComponent {
  user: User | undefined = undefined
  reference = ''

  constructor(private userService: UserService) {}

  getUser(): void {
      .subscribe(user => this.user = user)

The methods from the HttpClient service return Observables. They will be covered in the next chapter about the RxJS library. An Observable is only executed once subscribed to via the subscribe method. The subscribe method is expecting at least one callback. It is most often provided as an arrow function.

Practical Work: Calling a backend

We will use an API (the backend) to authenticate users and search for films. This backend has already been developed and can be deployed locally using the following command line commands (clone in your usual repo folder):

git clone
cd vuejs-training-backend
npm install
npm start

The npm start command will ask you for an API key. Either wait on the instructor to give it to you, alternatively, you can generate one hereopen in new window


The backend interface contract is available here: api-docsopen in new window

  1. Add to the src folder the proxy.conf.json file.
  "/api/**": {
    "target": "http://localhost:3030",
    "changeOrigin": true,
    "pathRewrite": {
      "^/api": ""

The proxy will divert all calls for http://localhost:4200/api to the server running at http://localhost:3030. It also makes sure we don't encounter any CORS issues (in the case the backend is not hosted on your machine). This configuration is only for the webpack or vite dev server the CLI provides to run the application on your machine in a dev environment. It will not be the configuration used in production.

  1. In the CLI configuration file - angular.json - add the proxyConfig option to the serve target:
"serve": {
  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
  "options": {
    "proxyConfig": "src/proxy.conf.json"
  "defaultConfiguration": "development"


Restart the project as you have change the CLI config (angular.json).

  1. Add provideHttpClient() to the providers array of the appConfig object in the app.config.ts file.

  2. Create the interfaces/classes for the models used by the backend, add one file per model in the models/authentication folder:

export class RegistrationRequest {
    public email: string,
    public password: string,
    public firstname: string,
    public lastname: string
  ) {}
export class LoginRequest {
    public email: string,
    public password: string
  ) {}
import { User } from './user'

export class UserResponse {
    public user: User,
    public token: string
  ) {}
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
export class User {
    public id: number,
    public firstname: string,
    public lastname: string,
    public email: string,
    public created_at: string,
    public update_at: string
  ) {}

Note the token in the UserResponse, it will serve to authenticate the user via the Authorization header: Authorization: Bearer <token>. Learn more about JWT hereopen in new window.

  1. Implement the register and login methods in the AuthenticationService as follows:
private baseUrl = 'api/user'

constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}

login(loginRequest: LoginRequest): Observable<UserResponse> {
  return<UserResponse>(`${this.baseUrl}/login`, loginRequest)

register(loginRequest: LoginRequest): Observable<UserResponse> {
  const registrationRequest = new RegistrationRequest(,

  return<UserResponse>(`${this.baseUrl}/register`, registrationRequest)
  1. The change in the call signature of the login method will require a bit of refactoring in the LoginFormComponent:
  private router: Router,
  private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
  private authenticationService: AuthenticationService
) {}

login(): void {
    .subscribe({ next: () => {
      const postLoginRoute = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('returnUrl')
      this.router.navigateByUrl(postLoginRoute ? `/${postLoginRoute}` : '')
    } })

register(): void {

get loginRequest(): LoginRequest {
  return new LoginRequest(, this.password)
  1. Refactoring is also needed to keep the authenticationGuard working. Make the loggedIn boolean in the AuthenticationService depend on a token field and make the LoginFormComponent save the token that it gets from the login call in that field. You will also need to refactor the logout to empty the token.
token: string | null = null

get loggedIn(): boolean {
  return this.token != null
login(): void {
    .subscribe({ next: response => {
      this.authenticationService.token = response.token
      const postLoginUrl = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('returnUrl')
      this.router.navigateByUrl(postLoginUrl ? `/${postLoginUrl}` : '')
    } })
  1. Add a register button next to the login button in the LoginFormComponent, give it the attribute type="button" so that Angular knows it is not this button that triggers the ngSubmit event on the form and make it call the register method. You should now be able to register a user and login. If you are having trouble, check the errors in the network tab of the developer tools (preview tab of the network call in error), your email or password may not comply with the policy.
<div class="button-container">
  <button type="button">Register</button>
  <button type="submit">Login</button>
.button-container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  1. It is time to handle errors. The subscribe method can be passed an object that takes three callbacks: a next, an error and a complete (we will look at this in more details in the next chapter). Declare an errorMessage field on the LoginFormComponent and update it with the error information retrieved from the argument of the error callback. Display the error message on the form. Check that the error message is actually shown when you login with incorrect credentials.
errorMessage = ''

private errorHandler(errorResponse: HttpErrorResponse): void {
  this.errorMessage = errorResponse.error.error ?? `${errorResponse.error.status} - ${errorResponse.error.statusText}`

// subscribe syntax
    next: response => { /*  */},
    error: errorResponse => { /*  */ }


For a better UX (User eXperience), do not forget to clear the errorMessage field before launching a new login or registration request or as soon as a register or login succeeds.

  1. Let's now call the backend to get the list of films. The route is secured which means that passing the token in the header is necessary. Angular provides a mechanism - http interceptors - to systematically intercept http requests, allowing to define the headers in one place.

a. Use the CLI to generate one: ng generate interceptor interceptors/authentication.

b. Here is its implementation:

import { HttpInterceptorFn } from '@angular/common/http'
import { AuthenticationService } from '@services/authentication.service'
import { inject } from '@angular/core'

export const authenticationInterceptor: HttpInterceptorFn = (req, next) => {
  const token = inject(AuthenticationService).token
  if (token) {
    const cloned = req.clone({
      headers: req.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)

    return next(cloned)

  return next(req)

If there is a token in the AuthenticationService, the interceptor will add it to the http request's headers.

c. Add the interceptor to the HttpClient provider in the appConfig object:

  1. Create a FilmService using the CLI and implement the call to the api/movies/search endpoint. Note that the title queryParam is not optional. To add query params to a request, use the options parameter of the get method.
const options = {
  params: new HttpParams().set('title', title)
  1. Make changes to the FilmSearchComponent to call this new service with the title filled in by the user, save the response to the films field in the FilmSearchComponent.

  2. Check that the token is sent as a HTTP header via the developer tools of your browser.

Expected result

Visual result of the http practical work

Visual result of the http practical work