7.3 Unprotected API Practical Work


Part 1

For this PW, we need to have an authentication process. So, we recommend implementing/use the JWT authentication before starting. You can get the JWT OAuth implementation from the previous PW-JWT-OAuth : git clone -b PW-JWT-OAuth TO_DO /secure-angular-training-app.git

1 - Protect your API - Add server-side protection for the following actions :

  • Unauthenticated users have access to the news API (/api/news/**)
  • Only "Admin" profile can delete a news (authenticated user with ROLE_ADMIN role)
  • Only "User" profile can add news (authenticated user with ROLE_USER role)
  • Any authenticated user can "like" news

Hints :

  • use spring security annotation org.springframework.security.access.annotation.Secured to protect your REST endpoints
  • Check existing roles in /bookstore/src/main/resources/config/liquibase/authorities.csv file
  • for a global setting, use the org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity in SecurityConfiguration#configure method
  • More details on spring security api : https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#jc-method

2 - Protect the GUI - Adapt client-side according to server-side protection:

  • Unauthenticated users have access to the news API (/api/news/**)
  • Only "Admin" profile can delete a news (authenticated user with ROLE_ADMIN role)
  • Only "User" profile can add news (authenticated user with ROLE_USER role)
  • Any authenticated user can "like" news

Hints :

  • in src/app/services/auth/principal.service.ts, declare implement functions isAdmin and isUser (check roles from authorities list of "this._identity" attribute)
  • in home.html, use ngIf directive and previous functions to hide portions of template
  • declare principal service in constructor as public in home.ts to make it accessible from home.html
  • don't forget to ng build the frontend (and 'mvn' the backend) after any modification (no live reloading for this PW)

Part 2

Configure CORS

1 - Protect your API against other domains:

CORS is effective only in case of cross-origin requests, to simulate a cross-origin request:

  • Modify app/src/services/newsService.ts, in getNews() function, update the existing request api/news
    • Use an absolute url with the port 8080
    • Explicit the Content-Type header for the request
    • Stop using a proxy (ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json) if any and launch ng build command to update the dist repo (needed for the next steps)

Hint : to set a header for a request, use a Headers object and pass it as a second param of the http#get method

let headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
return this.http.get(_url_, {headers: headers}) 
  • Launch a second server in a different port : mvn -Drun.arguments="--server.port=9000" and access to corresponding home page http://localhost:9000/#/home

  • What's the result ? Why ? Observe the client console.

Hint : Read about Single Origin Policy(SOP)

2 - Allow cross-origin requests

  • Configure CORS in order to allow cross-origin request from localhost only (choose the right port)

  • Observe the network traffic - Look for CORS headers for the api/news request/response

Hint :

  • To enable CORS, see bookstore/src/main/resources/config/application.yml

  • To authorize an HTTP method for an API, use HttpSecurity#authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()

Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K