1.6 JWT Practical Work


Practical Work Web-Application directory : pw/pw-jwt-oauth/

1 - In client/src/app/services/auth/auth-jwt.service.ts, implement the authenticateSuccess function by following the comments.

2 - Implement HttpInterceptor "client/src/services/auth/auth-jwt.interceptor.ts" in order to send the JWT via the Authorization request header

3 - Make sure that the JWT configurer is active - See /server/src/main/java/com/worldline/bookstore/config/SecurityConfiguration.java

4 - Test the JWT authentication : http://localhost:4200/#/login

  • Check that the JWT is stored in client storage
  • Check the JWT after login process in the response header and then in all following request headers.
  • Decode the token in https://jwt.io/

5 - Suggest how to improve the jwt security.

  • Check /server/src/main/java/com/worldline/bookstore/security/jwt/TokenProvider.java
Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K