5.3 SSTI Protection in Angular

Angular templates are trusted by default and should be treated as executable code.


Never generate templates by adding user inputs to template syntax !

It will expose your application to XSS attacks and enable attackers to inject arbitrary code.

If you really need to generate templates with users inputs, you must always use the AOT template compiler in production deployments.

Angular offers ahead-of-time AOT compilation which offers better security when dealing with templates:

  • Compiles HTML templates and components into JavaScript files long before they are served to the client.
  • No templates to read and no risky client-side HTML or JavaScript evaluation

AOT compilation effectively stops template injection attacks:

  • At the moment of injection, the application is already compiled.
  • The injected code will simply be rendered, not executed.

AOT compiler is enabled by default starting Angular 9. (check configurations in angular.json)

Another alternative is JIT (Just In Time) compiler which compiles templates to executable template code within the browser at runtime. This compiler was enabled by default until Angular 8.

To learn further: https://angular.io/guide/aot-compileropen in new window

Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K