6.5 Vulnerable Components Practical Work


1 - Load a js script from Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SRI

  • In index.html, load the minified version 3.2.1 of "jquery" from cdnjs.cloudflare.com (take care of the version number)
  • Implement sub resource integrity (SRI) to check the resource integrity

Hints :

  • Get resources with SRI from https://cdnjs.com or use the online tool https://www.srihash.org/ to generate SRI hash
  • if CSP is configured, you will have to update it in order to allow external resources from CDN (add appropriate hash in script-src directive - work only for Chrome)

2 - Detect known vulnerable third party components

  • execute npm audit and review the report.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K