6.1 Vulnerable Components Overview

  • The rank of this vulnerability moved from rank 9 to rank 6 in Owasp Top 10 2021

  • Components (libraries, framework, software modules,...) run with the same privileges as the application.

  • If a vulnerable component is exploited, the attack can result to serious data loss or server takeover.

  • Scope:

    • Server-side frameworks & applications (J2EE/Spring applications, SOA, batchs,...)
    • Client-side frameworks & applications (webapp, SPA, JS frameworks,...)
    • Proprietary & Open-source products/frameworks/projects.


  • Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228, a zero-day vulnerability in Log4j component, allowing arbitrary requests to LDAP and JNDI servers.
  • Equifax (a US credit bureau organization)- breach due to unpatched CVE-2017-5638 Apache Struts web framework
Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K