3.5 XSS Practical Work


Practical Work Web-Application directory : pw/pw-xss

1 - Render HTML formatting elements in Angular

  • in "Home" page, create a "news" with formatted content by using HTML elements like <b> and <i> . What do you notice ?
    • Hint : Tags are silently and safety escaped by Angular if you use interpolation
  • Use [innerHTML] attribute to render safe HTML tags in home.html . What do you notice ?
    • Hint : html tags are safely executed.
  • create a "news" with scripting.( Example <a href="javascript:alert('XSS!')">click!</a> or <span onclick="alert('XSS!');">test!</span>) What do you observe ? Take a look at the console.
    • Hint : Scripting is safety escaped and not executed- Angular logs a warning on the client console

2 - Use DomSanitizer service

  • Transform the "Welcome" message (see "Home" page) to a link which displays an alert popup (use javascript:alert syntax).
    • Hint : Check commented lines for trustedUrl in home.html and home.ts
  • (Just for the demo, don't do this in a real situation) Sanitize the "newsOfTheDay" content in order to execute some basic and safe scripting based on DOM even listener (onclick, ...)
    • Hint : Check commented lines for bypassSecurityTrustHtml and innerHtml in home.html and home.ts
Last Updated:
Contributors: Nourredine K